Category Archives: Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Shat-R-Shield Expands Line of Shatter-Resistant CFLs

Combines Exceptional Lighting Performance, Safety, and Choice

Compact Fluorescent LampsSalisbury, NC – August 9, 2011 – Shat-R-Shield has expanded their line of shatter-resistant compact
fluorescent lamps,
now offering a broader choice for customers looking for both energy efficiency and safety. The new selection includes CFL PARs, Globes, Reflectors and higher wattage Twists– all of which if accidentally broken, virtually all glass, phosphors and mercury are safely contained within the clear and tough, skin-tight plastic coating.

“We completed our new compact fluorescent coating facility and manufacturing process at the perfect Safety Coated Bulbstime,” said SRS product manager Don Cattoni.  “When customers realize savings in efficiency far
exceed the cost of investment — they make the smart choice immediately — and we’re ready.”

CFLs are replacing nearly every incandescent bulb. In response, Shat-R-Shield has adapted their
manufacturing process to add a slightly thicker coating, ensuring that safety is never compromised.  The process especially benefits Twist models by adding structural support between the fragile glass tubing that will survive aggressive drop testing. Shat-R-Shield’s safety coating is optically clear and is the only silicone coating that blocks over 97% of damaging Ultra Violet light.

Safety Coated Fluorescent LampsShat-R-Shield lighting products meet safety regulations in the US, Canada, and Mexico — including FDA, OSHA, ASME, and CFIA.   Please visit or email for more information.


Industrial Lighting | Benefits & Applications

Industrial Lighting | Shatter Resistant BulbsIndustrial lighting with shatter resistant bulbs, offers indispensable benefits to any organization. First and foremost among these benefits are energy efficiency and safety. Proper illumination of factories, warehouses, docks, and parking lots provides employees with carefully calculated levels of light optimized to help them work and move about without injury.

This light should be sourced from the most energy saving industrial light fixtures possible, and ideally, these fixtures should be made of shatter resistant bulbs, built to last, and warranted in writing to cover all possible contingencies related to maintenance and replacements down the line.

If workers stand or move in dark spots or shadows, it’s time to invest in new industrial shatter resistant lights to make sure they can see what they are doing. This will have the immediate effect of improving overall site security. Well-positioned outdoor industrial lighting with motion sensors can build a perimeter of light that maintains the security of your facility.

To know which industrial lights your clients need, you have to first perform (or have performed for you) a very systematic and thorough analysis of the facility and surrounding acreage. Walkways, parking lots, shipping docks, storage space, building exteriors, and landscapes all require different levels of light.

Finding the best energy saving options for your facility.  Shatter resistant halogen lamps produce a wide, intense beam spread and work very well in parking lots, building loading docks, and exterior walkways. Shatter resistant fluorescent lamps proliferate the ceilings of warehouses and factories, utilizing gas vapor, electronic ballasts, and energy saving engineering designs that help companies reduce power costs. Rapidly evolving LED technology is rapidly overtaking both, and may soon rival, if not out compete all together, even the brightest of HID in the near future.

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Fluorescent Lighting How Safe is It?

Shatter Resistant Fluorescent LightingAlthough fluorescent lighting is an efficient source of light, it does have some safety issues. Understanding these issues can help guide the selection of the best types of fixture, lamp and location that can avoid many issues.

Fluorescent lamps have several hazards if broken. Depending on the type, there may be a partial vacuum or the lamp may be under pressure. Breaking the glass can cause shrapnel injuries, along with the release of mercury and other hazardous compounds.

The biggest immediate injury threat from a broken lamp is from the phosphor-coated glass. If cut with fluorescent lamp glass, any phosphor that gets into the wound is likely to prevent blood clotting and will interfere with healing. Such injuries should be treated seriously and immediate medical attention should be obtained for people or pets that are cut. Medical personnel should be informed that the injuries were caused by a broken fluorescent lamp, and that mercury was present.

What is a Safer Option for Lighting?

Shatter Resistant Lamps
High-performance Shat-R-Shield safety coated lamps, light bulbs and globes are unaffected by thermal shock, UV, heat, chemicals and are easy to keep clean.

Most SRS safety-coated fluorescent lamps and bulbs feature uv-blocking protection– antioxidants and ultraviolet stabilizers are present in those coatings to block UV emissions from 180 – 390 nanometers. If the Shat-R-Shield safety lamp is properly installed under warranty criteria, the coating is guaranteed not to yellow, crack or flake for the rated-life of the lamp.

Plastic safety-coated, shatterproof, shatter-resistant fluorescents, incandescents, HIDs, compact fluorescents (CFLs), UV/germicidals, and glass globe products are offered by Shat-R-Shield shatterproof lighting.

Flood Lamps | Using Light To Decorate

Flood lights are great for scaring off animals and deterring would be thieves. They provide a sense of safety and security, however, they can have other uses such as ambiance. An arrangement of the lighting might make one of the most amazing enhancements to the home or business property.

If you have an area that receives a lot of traffic during the night hours you will want it illuminated well; for example, you want your friends, guests and family to feel safe and comfortable walking in and out from your business, homes or offices. When customers shop at night it is important for the parking lots and the walk ways to be well lit to chase away all shadows.

Outdoor flood lights and the outdoor spot lighting can be used not only to light areas but can be applied to draw attention to signs, buildings or darken carports. The outdoor post lights can be used in lighting the large parking lot or depending on a style of the post, may be used in display items like Christmas lights, flags or banners.

For information on choosing the best light bulbs to use in your flood lights, please explore our website: Shat-R-Shield

Elevator Safety-Shatterproof Lighting That Keeps You Safe

Shatterproof lighting has become an important part to maintain elevator safety. In fact, the use of shatterproof lighting is mandated in elevators by the ASME (American Society of Manufacturing Engineers).

Why do I Need Shatterproof Lighting?

Well let’s look at the structure of an elevator. Elevators have a very closed type structure that people remain in without having the option to exit during their use. Let’s say we are on the west coast in an office building riding the elevator up, ready to start our busy day at work and an earthquake happens. You have 5 to 8 people or more trapped on an elevator inside a building that is shaking. Just imagine the catastrophe that could happen if shatterproof lights are not installed in that elevator. Glass would be all over the place, including someone’s eyes. Also when the earthquake is over you not only have darkness in the elevator but you may also have a possible electrical hazard. A commonly found lamp in elevators would be a safety-coated high-efficiency T8.

T8 Shatterproof Lighting Features:

• Reduced mercury and TLCP compliant-reduces impact on the environment.

• Excellent lighting specifications.

• Safety-coating is clear, tough, and blocks damaging UV (ultraviolet) light.

• Perfect lamp for retrofit and re-lamping projects – especially with T12 lamps reaching the end of their line in 2012.

• Long life – reduced maintenance and recycling costs.

• Meets OSHA, FDA, CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) regulations.

Shatter-resistant Lamps For NUMEROUS Applications!

If you are researching shatter-resistant lamps and lighting solutions for your business, you are probably working in a field that requires safety products. There are many industries out there that need shatter-proof or safety coated products in order to run a smooth operation. But why would you need safety coated or shatter-resistant lamps? Many industries that need these products are typically ones that have to abide by laws and are heavily regulated by government organizations.

For instance, if you are in the restaurant industry, it is important that your kitchen has the proper safety coated lamps for the prep area. It is also imperative that your ovens and refrigerator units have the correct lamps and that your are using the proper lighting for heating food.

Other than the food service industry, food processing is another area that needs shatter-resistant and safety coated lamps. When it comes to a food processing plant, safety and hygiene are the first and main concern. In such large facilities and handling food that will eventually be in the homes of millions of people, it is critical that everything is handled with the utmost care and caution. It is important to have shatter proof lamps in these factories because if a light breaks and shards of glass happen to get into the food that will be distributed to grocery stores, someone is at risk of being seriously injured.

In the retail industry, where fluorescent lamps are frequently used, is another area that can benefit from safety coated products. Fluorescent lighting contains UV (ultraviolet) rays that can damage the pigment of clothing. If you choose to use fluorescent lights with UV absorbers, it will block most of the damaging rays (approximately 95%).

Many other industries need shatter proof or safety coated lights in order to maintain a business that functions smoothly and efficiently. Other areas that may need these types of products include libraries, museums, elevators, cleanrooms and much more. For more information on safety coated products and shatter-resistant lamps, contact Shat-R-Shield.

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Top 5 Reasons To Go With Shat-R-Shield

Perhaps you are in an industry where you need safety coated lamps and lighting solutions. Whether you work at a food processing plant, restaurant, museum, retail store or somewhere else, many places are heavily regulated to ensure that everything is running smoothy and safely. For instance, the food industry is regulated by the FDA to make sure that everything is safe and handled properly to prevent dangerous or hazardous accidents. What if a lamp shattered and glass particles went into the food that was being handled? This could be potentially dangerous and even deadly to those who will be ultimately handling or eating the food.

So where do you go when you need shatter-resistant lamps and other safety coated products? Shat-R-Shield! Below are the top 5 reasons why Shat-R-Shield is the best choice for your business!

5. Our experience.
Shat-R-Shield’s founder, Jim Nolan, introduced the first safety-coated fluorescent lamp in 1976. Shat-R-Shield has been in the business for quite some time and provides top-of-the-line safety coated products and shatter-resistant lamps. We pride ourselves in being dependable, flexible, helpful, honest and respectful.

4. We are SURE of our product.
We guarantee protection and the utmost safety from our products. If a Shat-R-Shield lamp is accidentally broken, virtually all glass, phosphors and mercury are safely contained within the clear and tough, skin-tight plastic coating.

3. We are certified!
Shat-R-Shield lamps are UL-EPH® (Environmental and Public Health) classified, NSF® certified, and meet FDA, OSHA, ASME, CFIA (Canada Food Inspection Agency) and Mexico Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regulations.

2. Our large selection of safety products!
Depending on what industry you are in, we have products to meet your needs! Whether you work in retail and need fluorescents with UV absorbers or specialty lamps for a kitchen of a restaurant, we’ve got you covered! We offer fluorescents, incandescents, HIDs, glass globes and more!

1. Our mission is clear.
Shat-R-Shield will provide our customers the highest quality services and safety-coated products that meet or exceed their expectations.

Shat-R-Shield wishes you and your loved ones a very happy new year!

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Go with the SAFE Solution – Shat-R-Shield

Is your business in need of safety-coated lamps and products? Why go anywhere else when Shat-R-Shield has it all? If you are in an industry where shatter-resistant and safety-coated lamps are vital, go with the safe solution.

Shat-R-Shield is the original manufacturer of the most reliable shatterproof lamps and light bulbs. Why are we the experts? We’ve been in the business for over 30 years and have assisted many different industries with their safety coated and shatter-resistant products.

Many industries that are in need of these lamps and light bulbs include:
– Industrial
– Food Processing
– Elevators
– Museums
– Libraries
– Foodservice
– Retail
– Cleanrooms

Depending on the industry you are in, there are an array of reasons why you would need shatterproof lamps or safety coated lamps. For one, anything involving food and food processing is heavily regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Food must be handled with the utmost care as failure to do so can cause restaurants and food processing plants to shut down. If a light bulb happens to shatter and get into someone’s food, it can be extremely detrimental to a business. For retail stores and museums, fluorescent lights can emit harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays that can damage textiles and prints while distoring the pigments in both clothing and paper. By using safety coated lighting that provides UV absorbers, 95% of harmful UV rays can be combated and blocked.

Shat-R-Shield is dependable, flexible, helpful, honest and respectful. Our products are second-to-none and with a wide selection of lights, we will have something just for you! We offer fluorescents, incandescents, compact fluorescents, HIDs (High Intensity Discharge), black lights, germicidals, gold lamps, and glass globes.

Looking for more information about protective lighting? Contact Shat-R-Shield and we will be more than happy to help!

Shat-R-Shield is wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and safe holiday!

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Retailers & Buyers Beware: Store Lights Can Damage Textiles

As the holiday season has approched us quickly, it is important for both retailers and buyers alike to be aware of the damage that store lights can cause. That’s right. Retail stores that do not have protective lighting can ultimately cause damage to textiles.

When going in and out of stores, especially during the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping. However, it is quite imperative to understand and be aware of the dangers of retail stores. Many retail stores have fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lights emit UV (ultraviolet) rays which can effect the clothing and textiles that a store sells. But why? As we all know, ultraviolet rays are damaging to skin and change the color and tastes of foods, but they are also just as damaging to clothing and fabric. UV lights degrade the pigment in textiles.

So why do retailers use fluorescent lighting? First and foremost, fluorescent lamps last longer and do not need to be replaced as frequently as other lamps. Secondly, the lighting that fluorescent lamps provide affect the way clothing looks which is appealing to stores. The better lighting a customer has when looking at and trying on clothing, the more they can see what they are buying and ultimately, make purchases which drives the sales of the retail store. Some retailers may be unaware of the dangers of fluorescent lamps but it can definitely affect the quality of the merchandise they sell.

With that said, you are probably wondering if there is any way to have the best of both worlds. Is there a way to prevent UV rays from damaging the pigment and quality of clothing and still have the right lighting for a store? Absolutely. A company that specializes in providing protective lighting, such as Shat-R-Shield, provides an array of different types of lighting depending on the industry whether it is retail, restaurant, food processing, etc. For retail stores, a way to combat the negative UV rays that fluorescent lights give off, Shat-R-Shield adds ultraviolet absorbers to its safety coating formula. This ultraviolet absorber is used to block 95% of damaging UV light.

As long as retailers are providing their stores with safety coated lights, the clothing and merchandise they sell will not be damaged to the degree of a store that is not using safety coated lights. It is important for both retailers and shoppers to be aware of the dangers of ultraviolet lights, not just for health purposes, but for purchasing purposes as well. For more information on protective lighting, please contact Shat-R-Shield.

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Shatter Resistant Lighting and the Food Industry

The food industry has grown significantly over the last several years. Whether it involves restaurants or a food processing plant, it is important to take the proper safety measures to ensure that everything put out to the customer is completely safe. Using shatter resistant lighting is only part of the process in making sure the end result is healthy and secure, but it plays a huge role.

Why is it so important to have the best lighting in restaurants? Almost everyone goes out to eat at least every now and again. Whether you are going to meet colleagues for a business lunch or treating your family to a nice dinner out, it is critical that the manager, staff and restaurant as a whole are making sure their guests are not only satisfied but safe as well. Restaurants are heavily regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as part of their duty is to oversee food safety. It is imperative to remember that the lighting you have in your kitchen alone can be detrimental to your business.

Choosing the right lighting for your restaurant’s kitchen is vital. Not only should the lighting be sufficient enough so that accidents do not occur, but safety becomes a huge player in choosing the best lamps for your kitchen. Using shatter resistant or shatterproof lamps is the best solution for the food service industry. But why? Think about a restaurant owner’s worst nightmare – a customer finding something in their food that can be hazardous to their health and/or life threatening. If the lighting happens to shatter or break, it could potentially get into the food. This will lead to a serious problem because someone’s life could be in danger and in turn, the FDA could shut the restaurant doors for something of that capacity. The type of heat lamps that restaurants use is important as well. The temperature and the type of lamp that is heating up food is just as imperative as it being shatter resistant. Lamps that are used to heat food are typically safety coated and shatter resistant as well. The lighting issue doesn’t stop there. The lamps used for refrigerators and oven is equally as important. When it comes to handling food, it is absolutely critical to make sure that you are using the best product available for both your restaurant and customers’ protection.

Food Processing
Food processing plants are all over the United States. The point of food processing plants is to make raw ingredients into food for consumption by people and animals for the home, grocery store, restaurant, market, etc. Food processing is important in the restaurant industry, particularly chains, as all food must be cohesive across the board. Again, handling food properly is critical here as the FDA heavily regulates these types of plants in order to ensure that safety of the consumer.

Using the proper equipment in a food processing plant will make your business successful and keep your customers safe. Ensuring that your lamps are shatterproof and safety coated are paramount as hygiene and safety play a large role in the food processing industry. If something were to break and get into the food, the entire plant is at risk of shutting down. There is so much to understand when it comes to using the best lamps and lighting fixtures in this type of facility. Energy-efficient T8 and T5HO fluorescent lamps can be used in washdown areas in enclosed, water-tight fixtures. Safety-coated reduced-wattage metal halide lamps are also popular in food processing facilities.

Using shatter resistant and safety coated lighting is critical to all businesses involved in the food industry whether you are a restaurant or a food processing plant. Although the FDA oversees this industry, it is highly important that all businesses play a part in protecting the consumer.

For more information on shatter resistant lighting and other lamps used in the food industry, please contact Shat-R-Shield.

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